Analysis and review on Sun Tzu’s teaching in this book
has direct context with the historical events of sea wars during this 20th
century, namely the Pacific War (1941-1945) and Falklands War (1982).
In Pacific War, it was proven that Sun Tzu strategy was effective at the
sea battle at the Pacific Ocean, while in 1980s it was also effective as the
biggest British maritime campaign since the World War II.
Those two sea battles
have the principles and operations as taught by Sun Tzu for the field operation
at the sea. In this book, five topics of sea war strategies are selected and
used as the headings, commencing from Chapter-2 until Chapter-6 from the
script, namely: surprise attack, choosing and determining the battle field,
avoiding the strong side, attacking the weak one, maneuver and speed, as well
as moral and battle instinct. Each topic discusses the Sun Tzu’s teaching when it is encountered to the
historical facts in those two sea wars, namely the Pacific and Falklands Wars.
Attack is a war strategy
taught by Sun Tzu, having various benefits, outputs and impacts either to our
own troop or to the enemy. It was proven that during the Pacific War and
Falklands War, the surprise attack was the war method mostly applied, and its
outputs determined the success in winning the war.
Choosing and determining the battle
becomes important factor that may not be neglected. Besides giving great
influence to the combating moral of the troop, the accuracy in choosing and
determining the battle field at the sea can give many profits, either from the
tactical or strategic aspects.
the strong sides, attacking the weak ones becomes the ground of war principles. Many teachings
of Sun Tzu emphasized the importance of this matter. It became part of the
strategy and maneuver of both parties in war, either in Pacific War or in
Falklands War.
Maneuver and speed constituting one of the basic principles of the sea power or the battle ships. This is in line with the Sun Tzu’s teaching about principle of maneuver and speed, constituting the main factor determining the victory in war, also in sea operation.
Maneuver and speed constituting one of the basic principles of the sea power or the battle ships. This is in line with the Sun Tzu’s teaching about principle of maneuver and speed, constituting the main factor determining the victory in war, also in sea operation.
Moral and battle instinct, no doubt about these, since in the end the success in war is mostly determined by the moral of the troop, in addition to the factor of superiority in weaponry. Sun Tzu’s teaching about Moral Law becomes so interesting, because its unique and complex application at the sea operation makes it a distinguished strategy, determining us to be the winner or the looser. This has already been proven in many battles, including the Pacific War and the Falklands War.
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moving, you shall come just like a roaring thunder! This poetical
sentence fits exactly to illustrate a surprise attack. And that was what
happened in the Pacific War and in Falklands War,in which during the battles,
the surprise attacks conducted by both parties in hostile, constituted the war
method and strategy mostly played. Surprise attack will cause destruction and
paralysis in part of the opponent’s power, or at least, will make the enemy be
in a hurry in preparing the war.
Such a surprise attack can be accomplished properly if its plan is tightly closed, namely pursuant to the plan in darkness and impermeable, just like a dark night. Meanwhile, in order to make the attack plan in darkness and impermeable, a deception action is required that can be executed in all levels of command and control, either in tactical, operational or strategic levels. Even the deception may occur in higher level, a grand strategy whose scope covers politics and diplomacy.
Such a surprise attack can be accomplished properly if its plan is tightly closed, namely pursuant to the plan in darkness and impermeable, just like a dark night. Meanwhile, in order to make the attack plan in darkness and impermeable, a deception action is required that can be executed in all levels of command and control, either in tactical, operational or strategic levels. Even the deception may occur in higher level, a grand strategy whose scope covers politics and diplomacy.
The surprise attacks conducted by British at the beginning of Falklands re-seizing was a decision deemed very daring and classified as too compelling. Moreover, it was because British executed a military operation from a very far distant operation, about 8000 mile from its country, and with a high degree of self dependency. Such a decision value is in line with the Sun Tzu’s teaching.
In a critical time, a troop leader shall act just like a man climbing a certain peak by using a ladder, and then kicking his ladder backward down.
When available at the heart of the enemy’s territory, they will show the rigid spirit. When there is no help, they will combat in a battle vehemently.
The condition of the Allies Fleet was in contradictory. They had been so tired and their combating spirit had been steeply dropped. In addition, they were united into a battle fleet in a comparatively short time, and had not mutually understood their respective communication codes and signs, so that a compacted team work had not yet been established.
The result was so fatal. At the battle occurring for approximately seven hours, from 16.30 till 23.30, five Allies battle ships (De Ruyter, Java, Jupiter, Elektra and Kortenaer) were badly damaged and got sunk together with their Commander-in-Chief, Karel Doorman. The other ships were able to run away, but chased by the Japanese Fleet, and several days afterwards Exeter, Houston, Perth and 4 other destroyers were sunken. 12 out of 16 battle ships were destroyed and sunken and only 4 ships succeeded in running away to Australia.
In Japan side, none of its 17 ships underwent severe damage and only 1 ship suffered from light damage.
Not all sea war tactics of the Japanese Fleet were properly successful. After its success to control Java Island, some ships of the Japanese Fleet were moved North East, and involved at the battle in Coral Sea against the US Fleet. The battle in Coral Sea occurring on May 7-8, 1942 was a very specific sea war, because for the first time in history of sea war, a task force of carrier ships confronted with another task force of carrier ships.
Do not repeat the same tactic that has given you a victory in a certain battle, but let your ways develop into unlimited amount of various environmental versions.
Luckily, Admiral Nimitz, the American Fleet Commander in Pacific, and Rear Admiral Fletcher, the American Fleet Commander in charge for defending Midway had already understood well about the Japanese tactics and strategies in war. In addition, the movement of Yamamoto and his strong fleet leading to Midway had actually leaked to the American hand.
Then, the war law applied in Midway --- a tactic was
responded by a tactic, speed was
replied by speed, and the surprise attack action was preceded by a surprise
If you know your enemy and you know yourself, no reason for you to be afraid of the results of 100 battles.
Pada abad-5 SM, kerajaan Wu di daratan China di bawah Raja Ho Lu memperoleh kemegahan berkat kekuatan Angkatan Perangnya, di bawah pimpinan Panglima Besar Pasukannya, yang bernama Sun Tzu. Ke arah Barat dia mengalahkan kerajaan Chu, dan ke arah Utara menundukkan kerajaan Chi dan Chin. Bagi kerajaan di sekitarnya, serangan-serangan yang dilakukan oleh Sun Tzu menimbulkan kekaguman.
Dan buku Seni Berperang yang ditulis oleh Sun
Tzu, setelah melewati kurun waktu yang
lama menjadi suatu ajaran yang dirahasiakan dan hanya diajarkan di kalangan
terbatas, akhirnya menjadi karya yang
monumental dan melegenda. Tidak hanya
para praktisi militer, ahli strategi dan
negarawan yang berusaha memahaminya,
melainkan juga para ahli ekonomi dan manajemen, serta para ahli di bidang-bidang lainnya.
Buku Seni Berperang ( The
Art of War ) karya Sun Tzu sesuai yang dikenal di dunia, hanya terdiri dari 13 Bab, dan berisi inti ajarannya tentang perang dan
strategi militer. Namun menurut versi
lainnya, masih ada ajaran atau
catatan-catatan yang dipercayai sebagai hasil karya Sun Tzu. Pada dasarnya, buku Seni Berperang karya Sun Tzu mengupas
dan menjelaskan strategi dan taktik perang darat. Hal ini sesuai dengan kedudukannya sebagai
Panglima Perang sebuah kerajaan kontinental.
Namun karena buku tersebut berisi inti atau dasar-dasar seni berperang, maka banyak asas-asas, prinsip-prinsip maupun tata laku peperangan
yang diajarkan dalam buku tersebut berlaku juga dalam peperangan di mandala
lautan ( Strategi Angkatan Laut ),
baik di masa lalu maupun di zaman modern sekarang.
Selanjutnya, tulisan ini membahas dan
menganalisa ajaran Seni Berperang hasil karya Sun Tzu, dihadapkan dengan praktek seni perang modern
di mandala lautan. Dalam tulisan ini
contoh-contoh dan praktek seni peperangan
diambil dari fakta sejarah, dan
difokuskan pada dua peristiwa perang laut di zaman modern / abad-20, yaitu Perang Pasifik ( 1941
– 1945 ) dimana sesuai namanya
menunjukkan mandala perang di lautan,
dan Perang Falklands yang terjadi pada tahun 1982 selama 72 hari, yang menampilkan Kampanye Maritim Negara Inggris
- Operasi Laut Tunggal / Mandiri -
yang terbesar sejak Perang Dunia II.
Perang Pasifik, diawali
dengan serangan Jepang terhadap Pangkalan Angkatan Laut Amerika
Serikat di Pearl Harbor. Serangan tersebut dilakukan pagi hari pada
hari Minggu tanggal 7 Desember 1941.
Perang berlangsung selama lebih kurang empat tahun, dan diakhiri pada hari Minggu tanggal 2
Sebtember 1945 dengan uparcara resmi menyerahnya Jepang di geladak kapal perang
USS. Missouri. Perang Pasifik
merupakan perang besar di mandala lautan,
sekaligus dapat dipandang sebagai pameran persenjataan kapal perang dan
pesawat tempur di pertengahan abad-20.
Istilah Perang Pasifik itu sendiri menunjukkan mandala peperangan laut
yang luas di kawasan Pasifik.
Perang Falklands, diawali dengan invasi Argentina ke wilayah
kepulauan Falkland yang merupakan daerah koloni negara Inggris, pada tanggal 2 April 1982. Perang Falklands berlangsung selama 72
hari, dan berakhir dengan menyerahnya
Argentina kepada Inggris di Falklands pada tanggal 14 Juni 1982. Perang Falklands merupakan suatu bentuk
peperangan laut yang lebih spesifik,
karena dilakukan satu negara melawan satu negara ( Argentina vs Inggris ) tanpa ada campur tangan negara-negara lainnya, serta dilakukan suatu Operasi Laut oleh negara Inggris dengan jarak jangkauan
operasi yang terjauh ( sekitar 8000 mil ), dan
beroperasi dalam derajat kemandirian yang tinggi.
Dalam tulisan ini dipilih lima topik seni peperangan laut dan digunakan sebagai
judul Bab 2 sampai Bab 6, yaitu :
Serangan Pendadakan, Memilih dan
Menentukan Medan Pertempuran, Menghindari
Bagian Yang Kuat & Serang Bagian Yang Lemah, Manuver dan Kecepatan, serta Moral dan Naluri Tempur.
Serangan Pendadakan, merupakan seni berperang yang diajarkan oleh
Sun Tzu, dengan berbagai manfaat, hasil dan dampaknya terhadap pihak sendiri
maupun pihak lawan. Terbukti dalam
Perang Pasifik dan Perang Falklands serangan pendadakan merupakan strategi
perang yang paling banyak digunakan,
dimana hasil dan akibatnya sangat menentukan keberhasilan peperangan.
Memilih dan Menentukan Medan Pertempuran, merupakan faktor penting yang tidak bisa
diabaikan. Selain memberikan pengaruh
yang besar terhadap moral tempur pasukan,
suatu kecermatan dalam memilih
dan menentukan medan tempur di laut akan
memberikan banyak keuntungan baik pada aspek strategis maupun aspek taktis.
Menghindari Bagian Yang Kuat &
Serang Bagian Yang Lemah, merupakan
landasan dari prinsip-prinsip perang.
Banyak ajaran Sun Tzu yang menekankan sangat pentingnya hal itu. Hal tersebut terbukti juga banyak dimainkan
oleh ke dua pihak yang berperang, baik
dalam Perang Pasifik maupun Perang Falklands.
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Manuver dan Kecepatan, merupakan salah satu sifat dasar dari kekuatan laut atau kapal perang. Dan hal tersebut sesuai dengan ajaran Sun Tzu tentang prinsip-prinsip manuver dan kecepatan. Keberhasilan negara Jepang pada awal Perang Pasifik yang menimbulkan kekaguman para panglima sekutu, keberhasilan Amerika Serikat dalam Pertempuran Midway, dan keberhasilan negara Inggris dalam Perang Falklands, terutama ditentukan oleh faktor ini.
Moral dan Naluri Tempur, tentang hal ini tidak diragukan lagi, karena pada akhirnya semua keberhasilan di
medan perang sangat ditentukan oleh Moral Pasukan, disamping karena factor keunggulan senjata. Dan
ajaran Sun Tzu tentang Hukum Moral menjadi sangat menarik, karena penerapannya di mandala lautan yang
unik dan komplek menjadikan suatu seni berperang tersendiri, yang akan sangat menentukan kemenangan atau
kekalahan. Hal ini juga merupakan fakta
historis dalam Perang Pasifik maupun Perang Falklands.
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